Jennifer Seubel
Flute Player
Welcome to my life as a flute player. Here you can see everything about actual concerts, projects and other news. Have a look on the next pages and you can explore my life just with a few mouse clicks.
Have fun!

Jennifer Seubel
first studied at the „Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen“ with Prof. Arife Gülsen Tatu, graduating from the music pedagogy course („Diplom Musiklehrerin”) in July 2009 with distinction.
She then continued her artistic studies („Künstlerische Ausbildung”) with Prof. Robert Winn at the „Hochschule für Musik und Tanz“ in Cologne, completing her “artistic instrumental training” studies with distinction in July 2010 and studying on the Master of Music program from October 2010 untilApril 2014, when she graduated.
All about Playing the Flute

Plan a concert with flute. No matter if it’s a classical concert for solo flute, chamber music or something extraordinary with contemporary music. You can book me for you musical event.

Improve your flute playing in any kind of genre with my longtime teaching experience. Enjoy lessons with breathing, sound and technical exercices and a musical improvement. Contact!

Studie with me at the Musikhochschule Köln. Flute training every week after a successfully passed entrance exam in the studies of IP (instrumental pedagogy) with main subject flute.